people in costume on the left, gawkers on the right

there's the thick of the parade... most of those cats are in costume; i love it

couple of things happening in this photo... in the top half of the picture you can see some street decorations, in the center you see the hk police keepin' the peace, in the bottom left hand corner you find small children held hostage by a barrage of photographers (who are not pictured), and in the bottom right hand corner you see a hungry photographer locking in on the targeted children

everyone wanted a piece of the action... if you're in a costume, be prepared to be smothered by camera-armed chinamen

our little pumpkin

and thanks to the magic of computer technology, our halloween decorations. this is one of our favorite holidays, so matt and i just wanted to set the precedent early on in eggroll's life that on halloween, a burton dresses up.
That is a cute little pumkin you have. I love seeing your cute belly. I had no idea Halloween is a big celebration in HK.
Hahahahaha that's cute :)
You look fabulous!!! What a cute little bump. I love all of the pictures of HK you're posting, especially your descriptions of events. Love you guys!
that is the most adorable shirt, and you have cutest pumpkin ever:) that is crazy about all the parades and such, looks like mad chaos there!
I had no idea they celebrated Halloween in Hong Kong either! Looks like fun!
i love that you were able to partake in some halloween festivities! and your lil' pumpkin is so stinkin cute. i love that shirt. i love that matt loves halloween. i just love it all. big, big love.
i love the pumpkin eggroll... love love love it. you look awesome, btw. crazy halloween in hk! should i say i was surprised to see girls dressed up? yay for halloween....
and, p.s., you can needle point anything i say on a pillow... heck, just knowing how to needle point is uh..about 30 steps ahead of me... ;)
You look so good! I love the pumpkin belly. I love how much I am learning about HK.
That is funny! I was wondering if they do the whole Halloween gig in China! The belly is the perfect pumpkin sized!
Cute little belly! Did your tummy get cornered and snapshotted by the Chinese paparazzi?
i just found your comment and i cant believe you and matt are in hong kong and that you are pregnant!! i am so behind! i will add you guys so i can check up on you regularly now. josh is the real blogger of our duo, but i intend to put more energy into it soon...congrats and give matty my best!!
That is hilarious. I haven't posted our halloween shots yet but we had identical costumes in reverse. I had a black shirt with orange felt face. Nice!!!! You of course look adorable.
Hey this is Jeremey i saw that my wife left a comment below! That is awesome that you are experiencing Hollidays in HK can't wait for Christmas pics. Hey does matt's cell phone work there? And send me his email address!
Can't wait for Christmas pics!!! Does Matt's cell work there? Tell Matt hello! Jeremey
Interesting Halloweenie scene in China. Love your lil pumpkin. THat is so cute, you look great too! Hope the China experience is going well. Love to see the adventures on the blog.
So you are right guitar hero, right up our white trash rockin' alley. Thanks for the recommendation.
All your HK pics give me anxiety! I thought living in Ogden was crazy!! You look great being prego, and it looks like you too are having fun.
hello erin, love your blog... how the heck did i get here, i don't know. i saw it on somthing else and hello, i found my cute next door neighbor in HK! you look so great preggo! your eggroll is growing so fast - love the pics
erin you are possibly the most gorgeous pregnant woman ever. hong kong is looking like a sea of interesting experiences! i hope it is treating you well. can't wait to read more!
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