matt and i made a trip up to boston in early september. he had a job interview, appointments to check out business schools, and i tagged along for quote-unquote moral support. in our spare time we hung out with our bostonian friends the griffiths. matt snapped this pic of alli girl, greta and i after our ice cream outing. miss those cats muchly.

austin city limits music festival. good food, great music, and fantastic people watching.

nothing's more refreshing than a pair of leather cowboy boots in 90+ degree weather. can i get anyone a cup of steaming hot cocoa?

the unwashed masses enjoying the professional whistling talents of andrew bird.

matt fell in love with the kaiser chiefs and muse. i fell in love with andrew bird and the snocones (the food, not a band name).

belly progress. here's the eggroll at 19 weeks (about 2 weeks ago).
and some snaps from utah:

last minute homecoming antics. jaclyn's barking orders orders, julie's helping with final touches, and shelby's just along for the ride.

jenna attempting to make her 1,898,846th viewing of toy story a little more interesting.

jaclyn proudly displaying her budding fanhood of sprinkles cupcakes.
Love your outfit from Boston...the hat makes it very Boston. Also, Matt's periodic table t-shirt must have been all the rage at the outdoor concert, and your sisters dress is awesome! I miss homecoming/Prom days....
ha ha! those pictures just got better and better as i scrolled down! you look beautiful...wish i could pull of hats like that. love your comments on the unwashed masses and the leather boots. i can't believe how grown up chubbs is. that dress is beautiful! why didn't they have dresses like that when i went to homecoming? :) did jac make those cupcakes? delicious!
duh. i'm retarded. you said they were sprinkles cupcakes. sorry.
erin, you are too cute with your side shot. i bet you had so much fun in boston. i miss the griffiths. ahhhh, sprinkles. bring it on.
great pictures - we're missing you here in Irving. Did you make it to Hong Kong yet????? 3 words: guitar hero III - need you here!
great pictures - we're missing you here in Irving. Did you make it to Hong Kong yet????? 3 words: guitar hero III - need you here!
andrew bird live in austin...yum. he's fantastically talented.
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