1. my right foot is almost two sizes smaller than my left.

2. i'm related to a good chunk of the northern utah population, which made dating a little tricky. after my parents got married they found out they were relatives, thankfully distant, but that might explain a few things about me (like confession 1.).

3. i was nearly arrested in zimbabwe for wearing camoflauge shorts. hey, if i were them i'd be scared that a 20-something white mormon girl might start a revolution too... maybe i should have been flattered.

4. i am a big fat hypochondriac, and google is my worst enemy.

5. i am petrified of UFOs and aliens. when i was a kid i suddenly developed a lump behind my ear, and i was certain it was an alien implant.

6. i once stood so close to hillary clinton that my eyelashes started to singe. true story.

7. in high school i went one year without eating any junk food... no chips, candy, chocolate, cookies, donuts, yadda yadda, all because someone said i couldn't do it. ah, youthful rebellion. wish i still had that kind of resolve... eh, not really.

if you've taken time outta your precious day to read this, consider yourself tagged.
I forgot about the gimpy foot! And that we saw Hillary Clinton (my eyelashes are still recovering...)
that was great erin. i had never actually seen the feet size up close, that is very, very mysterious.......wonder if little eggroll will get to partake in this. and i am right with you on the dang google thing, everyday i am dying of something new and sometimes i actually convince scott, poor guy.
i'm happy that i actually knew a few of those things about you. of course the shoes ... as we love to shop. the plethura of relatives. hypochondriac. but i must say the most surprising and perhaps most impressive was the no junk food for a year. while i'm impressed with your resolve, i'm glad you no longer have it. i can't be friends with someone like that.
p.s. thanks for the visuals.
oh, and ditto on the hillary clinton comment. she scared me.
that was fun and enlightening! must have been hard to buy shoes! but they are very cute feet nonetheless. i am related to matt by marriage through the mckays and jensens. so you can add me to your list too i guess. :)
you know erin, you make my day on a regular basis. thanks for the daily chuckle... and p.s. that's a killer photo of hillary...yikes!?
This is why I love you! Thanks for the laughs.
PS Watch out for pregnancy. My feet grew a size and a half after pregnancy (they were always disproportionate to my heighth anyway) and had lovely stuff with ingrowns because of it.
i thought i knew you pretty well, but I had no idea you had a freaky foot!
Don't worry, i still love you and your foot!!!
So do you buy different size of shoes for each foot? Curious. Just curious. I think it is rad!
You make me laugh! I actually didn't know any of those things about you so it was fun to hear them! I especially liked the foot comparison picture. It was great.
So Larry actually brought it up. He said he saw us there! We had our 15 seconds of fame on the big screen so I wonder if that's where he saw us. He's kinda closed lipped sometimes.
I had to leave another shout out because your comments just made my day! I loves ya Er. I am glad to have you as a friend...now if we could just do something about the fact that you're on the other side of the planet from me...
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