my dear, dear hillary, even mr. rogers knew not to zip his sweater all the way up, and the drawstring is just for kicks and giggles. i hope you fired your p.r. staff; they failed you miserably. it really would have been more effective to have held up a sign that read, "young americans, you should vote for obama."
At least she isn't wearing a headband :) She is making progress.
i don't know what you're talking about. i think yellow is very becoming of the senator. :)
oh my. if this is what our future entails, i'm seriously considering changing my name.
...and pull it all the way down over your hips! She needs a little scrunching action
first of all that was just great erinspice!! we should pass this on, too her campaign. great advice.....
i think it is her time on the e.coast. we saw things on people that were....um.....well, let's just say i think there's aint nuttin wrong with that pic......
this is HIL-arious!! yeah, i think she is definitely crazy...
oh. my. gosh. EW!!!! That girl is tow up! Her votes will plummet. I added you to my ichat and skype...YES! Don't do anything sexual with your mac. I'm pretty sure that would cause some serious damage...
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