are we back in africa??

i really like our new apartment. it's definitely an upgrade from the kitchen-less pillbox in the sky we called home in hong kong (my new appliances are totally righteous); however, we keep getting a lot of unwanted visitors. one of the first things matt told me upon my arrival at our new home last week was not to worry about the big garden spiders. um, right. then the other night when fox woke up for a feed, i noticed a big black beetle-like dude (i refuse to believe it was a cockroach) chillin' on my nightstand. five minutes later, a small spider wanted in on the breastmilk and dropped in on one of its threads. last night a freakishly large swarm of blood-sucking mosquitos was hovering over my patio (which, incidentally, is the only place in our apartment where i get cellphone service). that was one breed of vermin i was hoping to escape from our last texas apartment, but it looks like our problem just got exponentially bigger. whenever i see mosquitos, my hypochondriatic sirens start wailing. and finally, it looks like one of charlotte's daughters has set up shop in my window -- big ol' nasty black spider with a web to boot. i fully expect the web to sprout a "some pig" at any minute.
while telling some friends of our invasion, they informed us that our apartment complex is camped on top of an old swamp bed from the dirty trinity river. super. so it looks like we are the unwanted visitors.
Ew...when we first moved in there were crickets all over the place (I think that might have been a summer thing?) but we've never had anything quite like what you seem to be experiencing!
i know this sounds bossy, but you need a professional bug killer. my parents got one, and the hunt house of huge and horrific house of spiders, now is no spiders. and the stuff they use does not hurt infants, or children, because we were there when they sprayed when bella was a newby. just so you know. i would do. because that is freaky.
Yikes! I feel for you. When we bought our home we found what I hope was not a cockroach in our garage.. I was feverishly searching the house for days and made Jake spray every week for a while. Oh and thanks for the thank you card.. I love the little owl on the front.. i want to frame it:)
oh erin, just when i was getting excited to move back i read this!! all my repressed memories are flooding my mind and i don't know if i can do it AGAIN!! in all seriousness, will your complex spray in/around your place?
"God bless tx"
i would die. atleast in arizona we don't see alot of spiders. (knock on wood) but sadly we have had some little cockroaches, and we get lots of crickets in the summer. and i'm still crossing my fingers we won't ever see a scorpion in our home... you definitely need to get your place sprayed asap.
just preparing fox for his career as a zoologist....
i am sure there is a lesson in some family night manual about making that situation the fun "activity"...
ahh! "spideys" and "cocka-roach" like bugs...ahhh!!! that's all i can say....ahhh!
Umm...& you want me to come visit you? I guess I can pack my spider killer. Oh & I'm sure the problem will be a bit more under control by the time I get my arse over there! Wish you the best with those creepy critters!
Scary!!!! I hate bugs and spiders especially!!
Ahhh! I thought Maryland was the only place with bug infestations!!!! Maybe CA will fare better...
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