there is a skunk lurping around the front door of our apartment. what makes this so peculiar is that this is the front of our apartment:

pepe le pew comes around in the middle of the night; i know this because when fox wakes me in the early A.M, pepe's odor is so pungent that i swear this animal is sleeping on my doormat. when foxy and i take gunther out in the morning i'm always afraid we'll bump into the skunk in the hallway and the battle between domesticated animal and rabid stinky beast will ensue (my money's on the skunk). maybe pepe can smell fox's diapers and, like gunther, wants in on the action. geez fox, what do you stash in those nappies? beef jerky? you're driving every creeping, crawling thing within a half-mile radius bananas with your waste.

Dang! That's crazy :p and BTW, you are hilarious!
i think skunk smell is oddly pleasing.
LOL! We have had skunks around my house before and I am always SO nervous that Enzo will get sprayed that wonderful perfume they put off. Maybe Becks and Fox have the same hidden treasures in their diapers.
I'm laughing really hard right now. And that's a dangerous risk considering it's almost 2am and I'm next to 2 sleeping girls.
sorry about the skunk...what apt are those?? look great.
Weird!! Such a cute little stinker.
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