i really, really love(d) the 80s. the movies, the television shows, the music... in my opinion, it was such a great decade (unlike the 90s -- i'm still recovering from that mess). so maybe that's why i got so excited about these recent finds:
1. tube socks.

(note how the sock kinda bags on my gimpy right foot, in all its gimpy glory)
yes, in my heart of hearts, i wish i was a little boy from 1982 so i could wear short shorts and long tube socks everyday. i have been searching high and low for tube socks for years, and last week i found them in every color of the rainbow. they don't seem like they'd be that hard to find, but they've eluded me until now. i don't know why i love them. they are not flattering or cool. sometimes they remind me of that pbs math show, "it figures," and i secretly loved that show and would watch it when i was home sick from school. thank you youtube:
2. circus animal cookies.

talk about childhood memories. is it me, or did these guys disappear for a while? i don't even like them that much, but so much nostalgia pumped through my veins when i saw these little guys on the supermarket shelf that i had to pick them up and take them home with me. it'll prolly take us a year to finish the bag, so let me know if i can mail you a few.
I'm diggin' your socks. I only wish I looked as hot as you in 'em. I agree with the whole 80's & 90's thing. I did go to high school with you & as I recall you pulled off the 90's well. Nothing beat's 80's tv though. I miss PBS. I like books more then math so I was often indulged in Reading Rainbow.
i could finish them in a day...better yet give an hour. i love them. haven't had them for a while, but dream about them.
I loved square four. For a while I was watching PBS everyday because that would be that only way to get my little boy to sleep.
Mail away my friend. Last month I polished off an entire bag in less than 48 hours, it can be done and I am not afraid.
I love these cookies! I don't buy them, because I know I would eat the whole bag. I love the socks too. lol, you have the skinniest legs!
A YEAR to finish animal cookies? I could probably finish them off in a matter of minutes.....unfortunately.......
And the tube sox are smashing!
were did u get the socks from them I have been looking for them on the Internet for ages cause I live in the uk and dont think they sell them here only in American appeal and they are the three striped I have been looking for two stripe for ages so please let me no were u got them from email me at trampolinechick@btinternet.com thanks
xoxo claire
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