with a little retail therapy and a couple of late night make-out sessions with the ice cream carton, i've managed to numb the initial shock of the mexican bomb that was dropped in my lap last thursday night. i have to be honest though--a couple of days before thursday night, matt did ask me if i'd be willing to move to mexico city. i asked him what the odds were that it would really happen. he said slim. so i said yes. good one, erin. don't get me wrong, i do enjoy trying new things and getting out of my comfort zone every now and then, but (yes cousin lindsay) i have seen "man on fire," and getting kidnapped is something i can appreciate without ever giving it a spin.
looks like we will be there til october-ish. my friend rosie once told me that it takes roughly 6 months for culture shock to wear off when you've moved to a new country. so, 4 months... won't be enough time to kick the shock, but it should be plenty of time to pick up a parasite and have a few panic attacks. honestly, the thing that has been troubling me the most is how to bathe my teething infant without him sucking on his wet-with-non-potable-water hands. evian baths could get expensive, but shoot, we won't have gas-guzzling vehicles burning up our pesos... trade-offs, right?
i'm quite excited to be able to see my husband every night, but i'm sad to leave texas again so quickly. it's been great to see old friends, settle into our nice apartment, sit by the pool, take fox and gunther for walks, cook, sew... i have really been happy here over the past few weeks, and i've grown fond of texas. seemingly, my life is developing this pattern where i finally figure things out and begin to feel settled and at peace, then the powers that be post an eviction sign on my happy place and threaten to call the cops if i'm not out within 24 hours. i haven't yet figured out what sort of lesson i am supposed to learn from this, but i think it has something to do with blossoming where i'm planted. if that's the case, i think i could be quite fruitful in europe, matt.
but for now, mexico it is. at least i'm not pregnant.
I'm jealous. Anything south of the border is a great time. And you can tell everyone Fox's name is Zorro.
Way to be positive. And only four months this time? That should be doable! Then will it be back to Texas? I am excited for you! And cute picture of you and Fox!
hey, you'll be there over mexican indepence day. my friends were there for that last year and had a blast! one thing to look forward to!! :)
so, i decided that you should be a writer because i totally love reading everything you write! anyway, i think the babe and i (yes, just one of the babes that currently reside at the burns home) might be visiting you in la viva mexico...so at least that should be a milestone in your four month shock right?!
I can't believe you found me! How crazy to see your face after all of these years, you look GREAT! Little Fox is adorable and you guys are one big happy family these days it seems. I am sure I have more in common with you than anyone now -with all of this moving around and international travel. I would love to hear more about what your husband does and where you guys were and when etc.
Mexico City now? Sheesh. That is crazy that are you are in DFW, we were just about to move there instead of Auz last fall. I was really excited about it and hope to maybe spend some time there at some point later, who knows when that will be...
Your blog is hilarious. It is rare to find those who make ordinary life sound interesting and entertaining rather than the same old dish, yeah?
Have you stayed in touch with anyone else? Whitney went on a mission and has been back quite a few years now, she acutally just got married in April, since it took so long to get here I just barely got her announcement last week.
Anyway, I'd love to swap some stories, it would be great "therapy"!
I live vicariously through you. Little Fox has a more exciting life than I do. I love the new pic of you and Fox - too cute.
all i can say is you are one good woman!
You could always put everyone's water purifying tablets from the handy dandy 72 hour kits to good use, yeah? How many pills for a baby bath tub? Keep us posted on any other viable options. Good luck in Mexico darlin. Maybe we can catch you at Christmas?
I'm so glad you posted that picture. I can't tell you how many times I've passed it in California and laughed my butt off!
p.s. We're halfway through our 4 month tour. It's going by surprisingly fast.
p.p.s. thanks for the SHOUTOUT!
Way to gird up your loins and take one for the team. For those of us fairly new to your life, is Matt a treveling salesman? drug cartel? general authority? Why the world traveling?
Way to gird up your loins and take one for the team. For those of us new to your life, is Matt a traveling salesman? Drug cartel? General authority? Why the world traveling?
just call julie A LOT.......
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