this one goes out to the owner of the late-90s model maroon camry parked behind macy's at northpark mall today around 12:20 P.M. just wanted to thank you and your righteous parking skills for giving me the opportunity to think outside the box and use my imagination while trying to fit my 20 pound child and his 60 pound carseat into the 10 inch gap you left for us to work with. nothing that some hazard lights, a few dirty looks from passersby and some good old-fashioned ingenuity couldn't fix. extreme internet high fives to you, champ.
i like that you use 'shout out'. i think the world needs to use that phrase more. so here is a 'shout out' to you.
I feel your pain!! Nothing like wedging yourself (and the carseat) in a crack like that in a fit of optimism, then realizing you're totally stuck.
I have to say, since we've had the van I really haven't missed that aspect of travel con bebe!
I hate it when this happens. Parking in garage sucks just as bad. Jer is always parking too close to my car. I am always trying to squeeze Becks through and he gets thrown around a little...poor guy.
been there. makes ya wish they accidentally left it in neutral. then you'd have options. . .
One of the guys I work with actually made up some business cards that say 'Congrats!' on the front and 'you're a bad parker' on the back.... he leaves them on people's windshields all the time.
HEY! that was ME!!! ;) hahahahahahaha
nice...i just LOVE people like that... don't they have children? i feel your pain dude...
You have been challenged to write a 6 word memoir.
Oh I would have written a note. Nothing like TELLING someone they are a moron...kind of a stress reliever in my opinion.
i like the card idea.
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