3 countries, 19 pounds and 5 months (to the day) later, little fox ain't so little (was he ever?) anymore...

some things about the gentle giant:
1. loves to snug deep into your shoulder
2. thinks our dog gunther is hilarious and loves to pull his ears
3. laughs hysterically when you sing on his cheek
4. is extremely content and rarely gets upset
5. loves to taste ice cream and bananas
6. enjoys watching little kids play
7. is ready for size 4 diapers
8. likes it best when i speak spanish in my raspy hispanic male voice
9. smacks his lips, shuts his eyes and leans his head back when he has a full tummy (and will sometimes break out in song)
10. makes a great shopping companion
11. has a deep voice and growls like a bear cub when he's mad
12. is in love with his momma but will laugh more for his dad
He has grown into such a cute little boy! I can't believe he's already 5 months and NINETEEN lbs! Wow, chicka! Reagan is pushing 15 lbs... lol. That's awesome.
Yay for Fox!
happy 5 months foxy! i looove that picture of him, and i miss him so.
so cute! 4-5 months is fun...even if you have one the size of a one year old! I can't believe you guys are in Mexico! You are adventerous! good luck!
mr. fox weighs more then bella button! you must have some magical breast milk!
the hair, the clark party and this chunky international baby! so much going on. i love your posts and hope your hair recovers. paige and i were discussing your hair trauma and janet swears eyelashes don't grow back. i assure you, my early days of cooking are proof they do. poor little gunth, maybe he will turn a chiwowas head with a do like that!
I just think he is the cutest thing. I don't know much about babies...but all those things you just listed are telling me he's a good one & you are a good mum. Well that's just what I think.
Wow! I need to find out what you're doing to produce such heavenly milk. Sarah is a tiny 10 lbs and they are a week or two apart...
Becks always laughs more for his dad too, but I can usually get him to stop crying faster. Size 4 diapers??? Wow, he's such a big boy. Becks is in 2's.
Super cute burrito! Number 4 is incredibly true. I am still amazed!
Dang, five months! Maggie is three this week - I can't believe how fast it goes! BTW, does your raspy hispanic male voice have a lisp like mine? :P
he's so stinkin cute you guys!
He is a cute little stink, he is wearing the same size diaper as my 18 month old-but she is a little on the anorexic side.
What a cute, happy little guy!
19 pounds..really?! He is heavier than Elizabeth...nice work mom! I'm convinced I didn't give my kids bones..small problem. He is adorable. Enjoy him!
man i love that kid. he just screams happy. can't wait 'til he's my son-in-law.
Erin, he is adorable! i am so glad that i got to meet him while you were back home! i am sad we only got to see you a few times!
I love those chubby babies! I've got two of them myself. Also, glad you made it out ok (of the oven situation), besides, who needs eyebrows?
That is quite the resume for a 5 month old. Very hirable if only based on looks alone.
How is the baby shopping in ol' Mexico? Let me know if you need me to ship some of Jackson's old duds down.
i may eat him.
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