i just had a 92 point scrabble word. but want to know why it was so righteous? shut up, i'm telling you why: it was my last move, a bingo (using all seven tiles), and took me from 50-point deficit to a 42-point victory. i was almost as slack-jawed as husband. i haven't experienced this much gratification since those rigorous days as a legal assistant:

you can't coach that.
now my fellow nerds and i will retire to the nerdery with our calculators.
that is very great. i must admit that i am a loser and have never played scrabble, only speed scrabble a couple of times, so i can't fully appreciate the magnitude. we even have the game down in our basement, unopened from our wedding. i think i'll have to dust it off soon. . .
ha! your posts always make me laugh! i've never been much of a scrabble player but i take it that was a really good move!
Nice work. Freakish but nice. You need to tell your dad that your house is haunted. He doesn't know anything about it! He promised he wouldn't call you a complainer.
the best part of that post was your tommy boy quote, touche! good job, sister! ...being your sister, i'm a little embarassed to admit that i don't think i've ever played scrabble. i know! i've always really wanted to, just haven't. it's ok, you can disown me if you want to now.
and yeah, my hair is getting long. prolly cuz i haven't had it done since july... i'm way over due.
i always feel less than an educated being when i play scrabble. even my other, more-intellectual, half struggles to come up with words that have more than 4 letters. needless to say our games are usually short-lived. you're my idol. maybe you should give me a lesson.
BTW What was the word?
That's awesome. I love Scrabble, but I better you would kill me.
you can't coach that, indeed!!!
my word -- impressive.
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