behold, the pride cycle:

prosperity? well, it was only a scrabble game, but i was ridin' pretty high on the hog after my big win last night. pride? affirmative. shamelessly so. rhymes with "yes." destruction and suffering? i'd say today's fender bender (totally my fault) was very light on suffering (praises be) but adequately destructive on my poor car.
how long have i been hearing this lesson in sunday school? *skulking off, tail between my legs* i'll have a super-sized order of steaming hot humility with an ice cold glass of repentance, please.
oh no! that is no fun. i really don't think you deserve a car bump for that.
ah, erin. so sorry about the fender bender. and unfortunately you don't have the same excuse i always use: trying to blend in with the natives here in el d.f. so you're a less than vigilant driver... there are worse things. but what's cooler than a rock-the-casbah scrabble player? nothing! that's what. so what i'm really sad about here is the fact that we never broke out our game of speed scrabble before you left... so sad. next time, chica. next time.
and what address do you want? our po box or our actual mexicana address? if you plan on sending me a love letter, we'll go the po box route. you also need to send me yours before bruce leaves the homeland on thursday... i'll email you in a sec.
serious? oh i'm sorry, that is never good. i'm glad you're ok. atleast you're going to utah today. :)
I take it your ok? Oh man, that sucks! Let us know if we can do know I do know this guy that does body work on cars ;)
maybe matthew will buy you a dream car? so this might turn out better then you think.........
no one deserves a car bumper.
i ran into the relief society presidents car last week.
she was parked in my driveway going to my door. parked car, me coming out of the garage at night not looking behind me.
i so feel your pain....
I just did the same thing... well it was not my fault but non the less- what a pain! I had to laugh a little, never having a new car before, getting one 3m ago and getting in my first car accident! gggggrrrrr
will there be a new purchase soon or cutting your loses and moving to nyc… no car required.
Dude, that sucks! I'm sorry. If you hadn't decided on humility, I was going to invite you to my big spacious building.
you know, it always comes back around on the good people! are you okay?
seriously that stinks. noone deserves that for feeling good about winning for a few minutes. did you ever find Foxy boy green tights? did you get my email about Peter? hope your sewing machine did your imagination justice & you had a great Halloween. what did you dress up as? i remember you like to dress up too.
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