my dear mexico city,
well, what can i say? i never really loved you. and if we're being honest here, i dare say there were a few times i wanted to backhand you into yesterday. but we learned to live with each other, and we made it through, didn't we? you gave me some character-building experiences... the kind that put hair on your chest. at the time i didn't appreciate them, but i think i can now look back on most of them and chuckle, nervously. that time when those three thugs came to my door asking for bribes. they claimed they worked for the government and had just provided our neighborhood a service by cleaning out some pipes (a.k.a. doing their job), and they wanted a tip. now, if those hombres held a job, let alone worked for the government, then i'll be jiggered -- they possessed no insignia, no badges, just tattoos and missing teeth; and me being by myself, i wasn't about to give them the benefit of a doubt. i let gunther bark like mad by the door to let the trio know i harbored a rabid beast, told them 'no gracias' as i shut the door, then wielded a knife inside the apartment for a while after they left in case they tried to get cute. and then there was that day when a crazy lady came up from behind me on her bike, waved a flyer in my face and spoke spanish so quickly that i thought her lips would start on fire. when she realized i had absolutely no idea what she was talking about and i started to walk away with her flyer, she went after me and ripped her flyer from my hands and cursed me for all to hear as she sped off just as quickly as she came. ah, that was rich.
and although my gnarly hair regrowth is a daily, bitter reminder of just how rocky our relationship was at times, there are a few things i do miss about you...
the huge mexican banner proudly waving outside my window.

the guy selling balloons on the street corner.

the flower shop in our courtyard.

the amazing neighborhood playground.

fox was a bit too young to fully enjoy the park, but i used him as a prop so i could kick up my heels.
and most importantly, mexico city, you will always hold a special place in my heart because without you i wouldn't know the wonderful friends who took me under their collective wings, befriended me and helped keep me safe and sane whilst south of the border. and for that, i (and my mom) thank you dearly.
I love the last shot of you swinging with Fox! What an adventure!
i never knew about that kind lady with the flyer. or the sweet park. but i'm glad you are back safe in the u.s. of a.
oh mexican adventures. you're a stronger woman than i. way to have a good attitude! :)
awwwwwww, the sweet smell of closure
what an adventure. yeesh! i kind of wish we could have those kind of experiences in our sleep. we would just wake up stronger, in our comfortable mansions and eat a delicious breakfast in bed. you now shall be know are mexican superwoman!
Wow, you truly did have some experiences. I never heard about some of those. We miss you greatly down here (I guess I should still say down there for a few more weeks until I have the joy of returning). What are we going to do without you and Matt showing us up on Rock Band while Fox giggles loudly at me from his carseat? We will just have to meet up in NYC. Good luck!
I'm glad you didn't hate it entirely. I completely hated it for the first six months I was there... but after six years, it become home. I congratulate you for making it through!
Your stories made me homesick, though, even if they were the awful weird ones. I didn't want to mention them before (when I left an overly spastic comment saying how excited I was for you when you first found out), but now I could tell you all sorts of stories about my dad's boss being kidnapped by federales and being fondled at the Zocalo. Good times.
amen! and we are so glad you are back in the states with us. i must say that the toothless hombres sound just "classy!" ;)
What great experiences you'll have to look back on & tell your kids about! But what a relief to be back home!
What an awesome park! If I had known that was there...I would have boarded an aeromexico plan pronto! :)
I just can't get enough of Foxxy's great big smile! How come I'm blocked from his For Fox site suddenly? Let me in. Let me in. :)
Whoah, crazy stories! Glad to have you back for a spell :)
oh, erin. just think of all the stories you will be able to tell your grandchildren.
Such a beautiful tribute. I enjoyed reading it!
viva mexico ;) i still hope you come back. lomas residencial II style.
Erin, you are one of the funniest girls I know. I just love being blog friends with you. I can't believe those scary men came asking you for money at your door!!! I would have died of a heart attack! Mexico City you suck!
So let me get this straight, in your travels you haven't yet been called a 'poor wretch' like I was last year. Just wait, maybe some day you will.
Sorry for all of the many, many comments, I just love this blog. It's what other family blogs should aspire to be. Why are we not in the same city, busy being bff's?
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