he is. and we figured since he was born in hong kong, a morning in chinatown to mingle with his countrymen and to nosh on dim sum would be a perfect way to celebrate.

feeling nostalgic, i've been reading back through the annals of this mess and skimming over some hong kong memories. after doing so i kind of realized... as people have asked me what having a baby in hong kong was like, i've been looking back at the orient through somewhat rose-tinted glasses. i may have forgotten about this. and this. those were low points, a few of many, but in some ways i really do miss hk and especially my dear friends there. sometimes i feel like life in china was all a crazy dream, and some of the details are growing fuzzy. my wonderful british hk obstetrician looked a lot like creed from the office, and i can no longer recall my doctor's face cos creed's keeps getting in the way... makes me sad...
did hong kong ever really happen? has it really been a year since fox came into our lives? slow down, life.
he is such a cute little boy! they grow up way to fast. blink and he'll be 3 1/2 years old! :)
What a cute cake! Did you make it? Very impressive...
awwwww happy b-day little foxie poo!! and look at you ms. cake baker! Your piping skills are excellent...do you want a job?!
What a great photo of you!
I read your horror Hong Kong experiences. Holy cow.
You've got to be kidding me (HK). I laughed and cried at the same time. Seriously. You're a trooper.
Oh your stories make me so scared about the possibility of moving to Brazil. Who knows what the health care there entails.
I like how you celebrated Fox's birthday. Sound good to me!
Whoah, he's 1?! That is crazy. I know what you mean by fuzzy memories - and i think it's fantastic that y'all are making such great ones! Happy Birthday, Fox!!
I loved this post too. Seriously?! You are one brave girl. And clever I might add. I died laughing at your other 2 posts as well. I felt like I was right there in the waiting room just about to get hauled off to some prison for snapping that picture with you.
one is a perfect, singular age. happy birthday, foxxy.
One! Yay for Fox. I remember the day well. I couldn't wait to see him! And your previous posts about HK...sad and funny all at the same time. Hope NY is getting warmer for you. After spring hits, you'll never want to leave. Ever. But summer will be on its heels...
Happy Birthday Fox! Great cake. I love your writing, woman, good stuff.
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