photo: kathryn whiting
to all the ladies haulin' your maclarens, your bugaboos, your stokkes and quinnys up and down those subway stairs, this is my internet nod of solidarity. if our hands weren't full of stroller, i would give you a chest bump. i feel you hermanas. who needs the gym? we're so hard, you don't even know. we earn those magnolia cupcakes. motherhood in manhattan will put hair on your chest.
I almost shed a tear every time I see your muscular sacrifice for Fox.
You crack me up!
And I totally just made you my idol :)
seriously....you rock Erin.... you are hard core. I would most likely die if I carried mine baby in her stroller up stairs! Btw, I randomly blog stalk you ;) hope that is okay! Not sure if you remember me or not from HS, I'm friends with Jaclyn :)
I love this...and your red wellies:)
i love that you have this documented now.
That's okay. We can all do chest bumps 15 years from now when the stroller days are over but we have carpal tunnel syndrome from making our wrists do terrible things with heavy weights all these years. A friend of a friend was told that her stair stroller carrying caused this condition, and I immediately bought a maclaren to avoid taking the phil and ted's up and down the stairs, not that it's much better.
I love the new found hair on my chest :)
ps. watching the babies in the strollers while their moms haul them up the stairs is the best. Fox is like "it aint no thang"
great photo. Amen sister.
p.s. your yellow beanie is spectacular paired with those red galoshes.
And let's share a little love for the Chi-town sistas!
you make me proud chica :) btw, i tagged you, check out my blog and do it! :) can i also say i covet your boots? :)
you know why i love this post so much? one, bc of fox's little face peekin', and two, bc it's how we roll over here in beantown too. (i've even got my matching hot mama red galoshes, if you recall. i knew we were kindred spirits...)
sigh... i always dreamed of living in the city for some romantic chapter in my life.
i just never imagined doing it with a baby.
and people wonder why i dread the thought of having kids plural while living in a brownstone with big front steps and a narrow staircase, and an even narrower elevator. i'm creeping up to that spot on the mormon timeline where people ask me if i'm ready to take the plunge for round 2... and i'm like, only if noelle promises to give me her Elisa (her live-in maid).
hair on the chest for sure.
What a woman. Way to gird up your loins and take one for little fox.
note to self: try not to complain about taking syd in-and-out, in-and-out, in-and-out of the car seat.
btw. love the pic. the boots. and fox's sweet face peering out.
I was wondering where those hairs came from!! thanks for the nod- keep it up.
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