i'm gonna chalk this one up to not getting out much this week. this could either be a stroke of genius or possibly the worst impulse buy ever. i just ebayed myself into 469 of these uglies:

used marquee letters, numbers and symbols.
being cooped up = lots of time to think = maybe some ideas. hold me to this one... follow through erin... stay tuned, i guess.
ok. that is AWESOME! (chris farley voice please)
and 469??? what ever will you do. besides let me buy some off of you of course.
i saw the coolest display in anthro of letters covering the entire wall behind a bed. they were drawn on lined notepads, but you could do something even better!
man i love ebay. good find!
hmm... the only words that come to mind are "poo and farts hit and run" and "calling all hags pronto fun if fit" can't wait to hear about the ideas.
i'm definitely curious. . .
can't wait to see what you come up with, but i'm pretty sure it will be brilliant!
as a side note to the post under this, i have been thinking of you lots lately with this whole swine flu thing. looks like you got out right in time. you seem to be one step ahead of all of the outbreaks. hmmmm....
really. i'm intrigued. do keep us posted, woman. i can't even fathom what i might do with 469 of those...
You may be able to make a small fortune by bringing those back to Ogden and selling them to Kirt's Drive-in and several inner city mini-marts that struggle with letter supply. Everyone knows what you mean by using an upside down 7 as an L an substituting an 8 for a B though right?
wicked good idea, my dear!
Awesome. I am curious to see where you go with this...
erin, i'm so excited! we're going to be neighbors (kinda). i just needed to tell you that.
p.s. i am now blog stalking all your ny peeps. hope they don't mind.
p.p.s. i'm excited to see foxy's room when your done with those letters.
(day-dreamin') abbie
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