to have a quiet, romantic dinner alone and remember why you fell in love in the first place.

behold, the sweetheart roll. it tasted a lot better than my poor skills portrayed it.
but i brought along goldfish and a few toys just in case he acted up during dinner.
life is good with you, mjb. happy fourth anniversary. kisskisskiss.
so sweet. happy anniversary!
love it. happy happy happy anniversary.
(hope he didn't act up too much : )
p.s. now that the weather's finally acting like Spring, maybe i need to take me a little big apple trip... you up for a little giddyup at the johnny utah?
happy anniversary yesterday!! i wanted to call you but we were exactly at our limit of minutes for the month and you're not verizon... anywho! i was thinking about you and matty all day yesterday and can't believe it's been four years!! love you guys!
congrats! congrats! congrats!
goldfish... a mommy bag staple.
felicidades on four fab years! we love you two and the grand little one that was produced. we hope there's more where that came from, too. here's to becoming one flesh. ;)
Congrats!! I love anniversaries. Looks like you had a great time.
aaaahhh. congratulations you two! love seeing you so in love!
Happy Anniversary guys!
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