1. when the video delivery guy comes to the door (even though i called for a delivery), and i'm by myself.
2. when angry shouting breaks out on the street below, and i'm by myself.
3. cockroach poop.
i love new york, i love new york, i love new york...
ok, cockroach poop?? never heard of such a thing, but i guess it would exist... you can call me anytime you're feeling nervous, sister. and that is a funny, yet cute, picture of foxy. :)
I don't even answer the door when the delivery guy comes (& Mike is home). I make him answer it. I'm scared of delivery guys.
And cockroach poop? I don't even know what it looks like. You should post a picture so that I can be on the lookout.
One time, oh, 2 years ago (or maybe last summer??) a guy was shot on our street. Well, actually, he was shot on 93rd, and managed to walk all the way down to 92nd, in front of the ASPCA, before he collapsed. Yeah, I was scared to go outside for a little bit.
i am also confused by the cockroach poop --- really? i mean --- we crush out cockroaches weekly ... but i don't know what their poop looks like. :)
i think you need a can of mace. just for your own comfort.
uh, erin? i hate to break this to you but i think fox has a nice case of the Burton Blink. it has strong genetic ties.
everybody poops....favorite book. Even cockroaches.
we heard gun shots and screams a few months ago. no police or ambulance sirens afterwards...i still assume the body is decomposing in the ally behind our building. yikes!
Big cities tend to make me nervous when I am home alone. You can always call the police if someone/something is making you feel unsafe. This being said after crouching in a corner room with both girls sobbing for an entire afternoon after my downstairs neighbor screamed at the top of her lungs that she was going to break my f... children's legs off and started shattering glass in her apartment for a few hours. (Now you have at least one of the back stories on why we bought a house.) This all because Katelyn calmly walked over to where I was changing Sarah's diaper, picked up a book, walked back to the couch and started reading it to herself...
Say a quick prayer, hug sweet Fox, and mentally count all ward members/neighbors who would happily come to your assistance in a moments notice.
Love ya,
I hate answering the door when I am by myself! I am probably the biggest scaredy cat you will ever meet (I made it about 3 steps into the haunted corn maze before running the other way)....so I will always understand dear E.
just keep repeating that little mantra...
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