"i'm going to play the word hand because it's pithy and strong." -- matthew j. burton, a morning in april, 2009
i've decided i'm going to keep a notebook and pen by my bedside so each morning i can record the awesomely creative first words that stumble out of matt's mouth. his A.M. gibberish has produced insightful comments regarding professional wrestling moves, iran, and mathematical formulas. hmm... pithy? really? i don't think i've used the word pithy even in wakefulness. ever. he's been playing a lot of online scrabble lately.
the kindle. here's what i think about it: sad, sad, sad. i kind of hope it dies, and i'm usually pro-gadgetry. the whole concept feels very eerie, very fahrenheit 451-ish. so... sterile? cold? what's the word i'm searching for? soulless? nothing can replace the feeling of a good "page-turner" in your hands... dog-eared pages, scribbles in the margins, writing your name in the cover... and something tells me that falling asleep with the kindle on your chest could potentially cause cancer.
and for about an hour every morning, direct sunlight streams through one of the four windows in our apartment. this is usually where the boys can be found:

agreeing on kindle. it's no good at all.
k, love those pictures. i've never wanted a dog. EVER. but now i kinda do.
and p.s. BIGFAT thanks for your comment. excitement for city life is slowly returning. slowly. HELLO! how often do you have a good excuse to move to nyc? thanks again. i'm excited to play. i just need to remember my mantra: i can do hard things. ha!
those pics are precious - especially the first one - love it.
amen on kindle nonsense. I love holding a nice, heavy book - printed on good paper. I also love scribbling, underlining & highlighting. I won't be supporting Amazon's venture any time soon.
i try to stay away from all things electronic. gadgets are not my forte. exhibit a: i was using my high school tmobile cell phone up until just recently. kindle? sounds weird.
ps. i love those pictures of fox and gunther. is that in your bedroom? i dont think i have ever seen that part of your house.
super cute pics!
love the pics, erin. and i love that you put choice quotes from matt up every once in a while. i know there are more where that one came from... feel free to send them to me whenever. i love a good laugh.
so pretty! frame-able. i like. and love that feeling of warm sunshine through a window.
as for matt. it makes me so happy that you married him. something about you two together just seems so right. i also need to tell you that bruce turned to me the other night and said, "i wish matt was still here." it's been many months. i thought surely he'd be over it by now, but apparently not? bromances die hard.
i think those photos are so pithy! please record some morning jibberish for me. i love it.
Love it :) LOVe the pictures! Kindle? :/ I guess I could go either way...I could handle the instant gratification of access to books online (without having to read them on my compy)...oh well, they're so *@$%* expensive it doesn't really matter.
good idea on the bedside notebook and pen. you can't beat pithy statements!
i love the boys basking in the sun. diesel does the same thing. he finds a sliver of sunshine and sprawls.
Love the pics, above and below. How long was your trip? Happy spring/summer!
cutest thing ever. i keep a pad and pen by the bed for my husby's pillow talk. if you search my blog for "pillow talk" you may partake of the comedy.
hey E. where are you all off to next? high school reunion?:) glad you had yet another amazing trip. who are you?... & glad your boys can enjoy some sunny rays. come on over to AZ & visit the Fryers.
We are in New Jersey now and the beach is great. You are welcome here anytime. We will contact you when we are planning a trip to the city.
My kids loved the pictures of Fox. In the words of McKay "Fox is such a silly guy"
love your blog, your son is a cutie.
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