definitely not my finest moment of the week, but it made the highlight reel.
remember that one time i went to turkey and greece? here's what else happened (unedited photos -- this just needs to be finished):
discussing "mehmet okur."

europe on the left, asia on the right.
hagia sofia.

the blue mosque.

pretty istanbul.

i loved this night market in istanbul. the hanging lightbulbs were fun, and the colors were pretty.

hot dogs as a pizza topping.

save water. flush twice.

now in athens. protesters protesting the man.

look closely; you can see the man.

on the acropolis, the parthenon and friends.

afghani men taking pictures with my son.

japanese women taking pictures with my son.

a mother's day brunch with an acropolytic (word?) view.
temple of poseidon.

fox's favorite part of the trip.
homeward bound.
great photo essay! and sorry about the tortilla chips, that just sounds painful.
that looks amazing.. fox is so cute, i love the picture of him playing with the or your backyard, it's all the same to him.. lucky little boy! I want to hear more about your trip! It is on my top ten places to go in my life! and of course the pictures of you are beautiful as usual! I hear you are coming home in August.. i want to plan a get together with everyone! so plan on it!!!
i love the pictures! what a fun trip...maybe one day we will get to leave the country and see the sites.
tortilla chips out the nose? classic erin.
wow! looks like fun!
what an amazing trip! i love that everyone wants pictures with your kid- who wouldn't? he is adorable after all.
AHH!! Love this!! I do, I do.
Especially your photos. You're so good.
And especially the "flush twice". What??
And especially the markets. The fruit!! Oh my gosh.
And Fox + strange people + photos. Again - what?? I mean, he's cute, but were you nervous?
You guys are rockstars.
Ooo, love the pictures! Especially the ones of Fox - he is dang cute ;) And you look fabulous as always!
miss you, sister. lots. cute pics. you are skinny skinny.
looks like an awesome trip. loved the photo recap.
Great pics, dovie! Now I'm really wishing Jon and I would have gone with you guys! Next time...
love, love. how do you handle the stranger photo opps and dirty hand holding??? gorgeous pics!!
also, you are adorable in leggings. adorable.
Those are awesome pictures! What cool places you got to visit. Fox is so cute. Hope to see you guys soon!
One word...jealous.
another amazing trip for the Burtons... jealous, i need to vacate somewhere amazing. when are you going home next? i haven't seen you in forever. your little man is so cute. & where did you find that darling green swimsuit? i am always looking for more of those.
so did you sanitize foxy's little hands like every 5 seconds over there?!
I don't know what I am more jealous and your beautifulness/skinnyness OR your travels. Dang you. Plus your darling little Fox. I love the tortilla chip nose thing. And the 2 times flush twice?? Hmm.
You guys are so cool. Those pictures are amazing. Were you really only gone less then a week. It looks like you guys did so much. How fun!!
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