my hawaiian senior trip. i am just dripping with innocence. ignorant to the skin damage caused by that glowing, beautiful tan and full of unrealized potential. sigh.
this weekend was my high school ten year reunion (i'll spare you the math -- i'm 28). i didn't go. the combination of god's vast fruited plain, my rambunctious one year old and our student budget crushed my dream of a last-minute roadtrip to zion for the occasion. i was a little bummed. and matt was out of town. and the scenario took me back to that question which always comes up around high school graduation time, where do you see yourself in ten years? i can honestly say i didn't actually see myself sitting on my duff, watching tv by myself, eating POP chips and hoping that the creepy guy who stared at fox at the playground earlier didn't follow us home. but then again i guess i can also say i never saw myself bearing fruit in hong kong. or backpacking through south america. or running a marathon (yeah, i can dream).
someone tell me, was it fun? lie to me and tell me it was lame. i wish i could've caught up with old friends and classmates. i wish i could've shown off pictures of my son. i mean, ain't he somethin'? (thanks mike and robby):

Not gonna lie. It was fun. But here's another truth...you and Matt were definitely missed.
erin, that pic of you is to die for. i bet you're the coolest, freakiest, funniest, grooviest girl in your senior class ten years later. and i bet they missed you mucho, hermana.
i missed my ten-year reunion last september, too. i've decided the coolest people just never go back for those. ;)
sometimes i can't believe you're really that old (sorry) or that i'm 23. life goes by too fast. this sounds so cheesy, but i remember when YOU were 23 and loved that song "real" by plumb like it was yesterday. eh, don't worry. i'm sure it was lame. and those glasses on fox remind me of saturday's warrior and is hilariously cute. haha! can't wait to see you soon, sister. only one more week!
excuse my grammar, i meant to say "are" hilariously cute. i changed my wording but i guess i missed that one... oops. my friend and i just had a convo today about how bad grammar was one of our pet peeves. go figure.
Wow, time sure flies, doesn't it? Joe's ten-year was this year (we went, and well.. lame for me :); mine is next year, and I haven't decided yet if i care to go. Maybe i'll leave it to fate, see if i happen to be in UT.
Fox is so cute - and y'all are looking great too. I love that old pic of you--almost doesn't look like the Erin i know! :) It's hard to believe that 10 years could have passed since high school...whew.
Hey, if y'all are ever in San Antonio, stop by and stay a while!!
oh erin. i love the high school picture. and i love the picture of fox, and that he is wiping his nose. so funny!
it really is strange to remember how far away ten years seemed when graduating. and i guess high school does seem like it was ages ago.
loved this post. I might copy a tad.
You look VERY innocent.
Aaah, Erin you look so cutie in that picture! Sorry to hear you missed your reunion. Couldn't have been that great without you, though--right? We're moving back to Dallas soon. Please move back and be my friend, k? Please?
You know, I had every intention on going, I even bought a killer new outfit and at the last minute I bailed and went to the George Strait concert. I do feel bad for missing it though!
I think we should just have a mini reunion when you come into town? How 'bout it?
It was fun. Strange very strange at first. That Hawaii trip was mentioned a number of times by the folks that did attend.
Would have been nice to see you and Matt, you both needed to be there.
So yeah... it was lame. ;)
SO you look 10 in that picture...awesome. Not that I have any room to talk since I still look like I could be in high school. I am sure people think that poor teenage girl got knocked up. Any who, I wish I had an excuse to miss my husbands 10 year reunion - I had to go 38 weeks pregnant. Lovesit. Lacie and John said they had a good time, but you can just pretend you didn't read that ;)
wow, that pic doesn't even look like you! and yet you look awesome. ten years has been good to you. too bad you couldn't go - I'm sure you would have won some sort of prize for the most outrageous life stories.
we really missed you two! i'll post a bunch of pics on the class blog soon so you can experience it vicariously. but hey, you live in NYC! you're cute as pie and your kid is a super star, life is good.
We had a great time...not going to lie. Kate did a great job planning the whole thing and it was better attended than i expected to be honest. It was fun to catch up but you and Matt were missed sorely. I would totally be up for the idea of a mini-reunion with a bunch of folk next time you guys are back in town. And that will make you feel so much better....promise. And honestly, I remember that glowing Erin. I fully expect you to rattle off some German poems and/or AP Calc formulas next time I see you.
If I were you and was living your life, I would want to go to a reunion. You are too cool E. I hope to be like you (in 2 years? Its not lookin good.....)
You are too cool for school. And so is Fox! Haha
I looked up a flight for you. It was a wee bit. I wanted to go in half-sies with you. Seriously. I wanted you there. I'm with Nayt...it was a bit strange at first. You were missed dearly too my friend. Plus you've accomplished way more then I could ever dream I would. You rock poshspice.
I'd like to point out that today is August 17th.
Do they have computers in Utah? Or digital cameras?
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