

let's make a list, shall we?

ten things that are incredibly awesome:

1. baby acne.
2. 29th birthdays.
3. dog urine.
4. when your two year old treads his bare feet through dog urine.
5. when your husband's phone unintentionally calls his parents' home and your unsuspecting in-laws get a front row seat to the household drama and your potty mouth as your two year old treads his bare feet through dog urine. oops.
6. commercial air travel.
7. turning 29.
8. the number 29.
9. north dakota in january, or so i hear.
10. swimming suits.


Jill said...

i hate it when i get baby acne.

noelle said...

i admit i'm not a fan of odd numbers. something about them makes me feel off. though looking back, 29 seemed to be a good year for me. 30, however, seems to have turned up the panic over eye cream. i am distressed about my eye cream. what should i use? what will minimize the wrinkles, dark circles, bags and overall droopiness? just typing this is upsetting. what were we talking about?

Mardi and Jeremey said...

I LOVE number 5. That is totally something that would happen to me. Happy 29th!

old me.