i know this because fox told me so. huh.
two is an interesting and challenging age, and fox definitely has my number. today he decided it was a good idea to put the filthy dog leash in his mouth. i'll occasionally catch him drinking water from gunther's dish. and a few days ago he lapped the floor with his tongue. if you know me at all, you know that it was all i could do to stop myself from scrubbing out his mouth with lysol.
and then there are those other moments...
like today when after dragging him out in the cold and pouring rain, fox took my hands in his and said, "momma hands cold," and blew on them as if to warm them up, all the while the poor lad had dripping wet hair and water running off his nose.
like when he says his own blessing on his food: "heavenly father, momma, daddy, momma, daddy... daddy, momma, indie... nice... bless the food... momma, daddy... AMEN!!!"
like when he proudly shows off his artwork:
and the moments like when he earnestly tells me that "jesus likes airplanes." this may be sacrilegious, but that's kind of a good band name, no? two year old brains produce some really great material.
and this one, for now, is just fat and happy:

I love this stage, i really do. 2 is such a crazy age but it's pre-attitude which is worth something in my book. your kiddos are so darling. hope all is well!
Ahh! Those last photos, Erin! So pretty! Love her dress. And love Fox. Although I didn't really love that photo with him next to what looked like a box full of packed goods...
skeener. your kids. they break my heart.
fox's telling of jesus' likes reminds of when syd called our waiter at a restaurant jesus. to her credit, he did have long brown hair. 2-year-old minds are the greatest!
oh my heavens, i love them so much! i love how fox's personality is just budding, he is so so sweet. and little indie is too cute. i heart her head band and dress. is that the one you blessed her in? we should skype.
Love his prayers. he is such a sweet boy. today was great. can you please come over more often? please.
bless fox's little heart. i almost cried when i read the part about him warming up your hands.
and indie? the cutest.
Such great pics - so great to record the crazy things these kids say! And Indie is getting so big - love the dress!
i love toddlers. and i love indie's dress. and i love that jesus loves airplanes. and i love snot dripped in your hand. or when you get your two year old out of her car seat and she hands you something, and you look, and is a booger.
have mercy. indiana is so fabulously adorable. As is your son and showcasing of love.
Jesus likes airplanes is a GREAT band name. Have you seen Nick and Nora's infinite playlist? You should.
If so, continue reading:
They should add that to their list. I like it better than Balls Deep and almost as much as Fistful of Assholes. Sounds fun, right? Not always. Scary.
If not, disregard the above until you watch the film, then come back and read.
Your children break my heart.
Ah, what a cute kid though! He already looks like he's in a rock band, that kid! Is that Indie's blessing dress? It's adorable! I can't believe how much bigger she's gotten since Feb!
oh why oh why did i miss you all this past weekend : (((((((((((((((( ??????
the burton family is seriously the best.
i completely forgot about fox's prayers. they crack me up... even just reading about them! we all know it's the longer the better, right?
he has a heart of gold.
I'm glad that Beckham isn't the only one that drinks out of the dog bowl. If it makes you feel any better, Beckham keeps dunking his head in the toilet. Gross. This age IS really challenging. Oh and I love the pics of Indie!
Que paso? Indiana is suddenly so grown up! What an absolutely adorable smile! Your kids are just too cute. When will we get to see Fox again? Catch ya on Labor Day? I hope so. His antics are making me crave a playdate with him. Can't wait to be neighbors, but sad for you to leave your beloved NYC. enjoy the last few weeks!
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