
let's talk about breastfeeding.

now that i've successfully made those of you still reading nice and uncomfortable...

anybody have any hot tips on how to wean a one year old? i'm listening. because i am back to square one... see for yourself:

the pump. i dusted it off, utilized it, dumped the white gold into a sippy cup and a bottle (we're regressing on so many levels here) and tried to feed it to little girl. utter failure; pun intended. but fox was fascinated with this new piece of machinery. he said he wanted to build something with it. i told him absolutely not. so he said he just wanted to look at it. so this is fox just looking at it.


i'm h.mac said...

hahaha. i will only put forth one thought and that is when you are nursing a kid the second year, holy weight loss. i was eating like a fool and loosing it. now ella was still nursing 10-12 times a day because she's ella and all but well worth the second year investment......
although i heard there is a trip involved soon without kiddos. maybe not a great option.

Rosalene Pacini said...

Oh honey. I'm feeling your pain. Good luck. That's all I have for you. Technically speaking, she will figure it out if she has to. It all depends on how badly you want your life and body back. And how much torture you are willing to put her through..and by proxy, you! I, too, have had my boy pee into the wind...but the joke was on me in the end since he was standing in the van with the door open. Really, Rosie?! AND, I did make Joseph move because of mice. Yep, it is true. I'm lame. But they were carrying on conversations with each other...serious as the medication I need to be on. I really hope what you heard wasn't what you thought. I love seeing your sweet kiddos on here...so darling.

kate said...

udder failure, heh heh. i really love your writing, erin. and i love indie's knee boots down below. and hey, if indie is still nursing at 6 maybe you could be on an oprah special or something, and that would be cool. i wish you luck!

Melanie said...

We had this problem with Scarlett. At 14 months, she still used nursing as 90% of her diet and never would take a bottle or anything. With how tall she was, she looked like she was three and people started to give me dirty looks on the subway. I knew I had to change before they put me on youtube. After many failures we found a solution that dentists would gasp in horror from. We filled bottles up with chocolate and strawberry milk. Now the problem was that she was not even interested in TRYING it. But once we managed to get her to try even a sip (which took a week), she was hooked and breastfeeding ceased three weeks later. Then, I slowly decreased the sugar in every bottle until it was just milk.

Now, at 2.5 she is a sugar addict and still begs for a bottle (she gets one at naptime) but at least I have my body back again.

Good luck. I'm jealous you got yo breastfeed for so long. Autumn was a pill and we already had to stop since she hated it. You are a good mom!

mb said...

EB, I'm so impressed with your frequent blogging. I always enjoy your posts. As a non-mother I have no advice on how to wean but I will say GOOD LUCK!

Jill said...

Your body is a machine. Seriously. Why can't I nurse that long? I miss all those extra calories I was able to consume.

If it wasn't too creepy, I would say nurse until she is 18. But...it is. I think just keep trying the bottle, and don't give her the option to nurse. When she gets hungry enough, and she will, she will drink from anything.

And I think once you go on your cruise (if she hasn't gotten the hang of a bottle yet), she won't have you there as a temptation, and maybe it will be easier for her to take a bottle then?

Thoughts and prayers are with you.

hilary said...

wow, i've just been out of the blogging world completely. i love all of these recent posts. i miss you, seester. the picture of fox looking at your pump is hilarious. and the fact that he wanted to just look at it is even more hilarious! and um, i know i've already talked to you about the whole weaning thing, but this post is kind of scaring me for the future a little. because sophie won't take a bottle either... but unlike you, i DON'T have a cruise planned... good luck. when you figure it out, pass the tips along.

Starley Family said...

My 1st two girls just stopped at a year. It was like they knew that was the end or something. Abby on the other hand may be a bit more difficult. I am going to be a Ma for trek when she is 14 months old so...hopefully she has ceased by then.
Good Luck!!!

Jill said...

Is she still nursing multiple times a day? Try to just cut out one, and see how that goes for a couple of weeks. Offer her something different if she needs it. At 12 months Jane was down to twice a day, and a few weeks later she went to just early mornings. I was worried she was going to wake up and stay up at 5:00 am if I didn't nurse her, but I decided to try it, I went in, rocked her... sang her a song... set her back in her crib and she fell asleep again until wake-up time without nursing and that was it. She still didn't drink water or milk very well but she eventually started drinking those more.

Scott & Lindsay said...

i've been meaning to ask you about miss indie and the nursing situ. i say keep on keepin' on ... you'll stay skinnier and have nicer boobs.

Kristin said...

Erin.. I just recently finished nursing and Ty is 14 mos. I cut out most feedings except early morning and bedtime..I gave him cow's milk mixed with my milk in a sippy cup WITH a straw and he did great but still wanted to nurse at bedtime--so I continued and then about 13 mos he was ready and I stopped entirely cold turkey--he cried a couple times but I would just turn his attention to something else and he was just fine--I didn't go to the bottle cause thats one more thing to wean..BUT the sippy cup with the straw is fabulous.
Good LUCK!

old me.