
avoiding talking about moving.


we decided to end the experimentation in boyish long hair, and with that fox grew up three years in fifteen minutes.


i touched up the ol' ombre' (thanks, leighanne!).


vintage children's table and chairs: dallas craigslist for the win.


i had the chairs freshly reupholstered so the kids wouldn't get tetanus on some old staples, and now i need to remove a little rust.  and i'm hoping one of you do-it-yourselfers will hip me on exactly how to do that.  and pretty sure if you would have pinched indie's face at the exact moment this picture was taken, sunshine would have sprayed through her nose.



another craigslist victory.  it doesn't really have a purpose other than being a perfect little reading stoop and being tiny and awesome.

okay, let's talk about moving.  i think we just bought i house.  "i think" meaning i have no idea how this process works, but we pointed to a house and said, "that one."  so now i'm well on my way to owning a little piece of earth in elko, nevada, a town i've visited once.  and despite how little i know about our new home, i feel really good about our (my?) decision, and so many things are falling into place and lining up quite nicely that i have to tell myself that it was meant to be.

and to wax philosophical, i really do believe this huge change of work/location/lifestyle was meant to be.  i don't talk much about it on the interweb here out of fear that maybe one of you may be a psychopath, (but now that he's home for good!) but matt has literally been living in a hotel 4-5 days per week in houston or alaska or wherever for the past 19 months.  it has not been, how you say?  awesome?  and i have had way more than my fair share of ugly cries and shameful mommy moments, but matt and i have both been blessed with loads of strength, and We Did the Dang Thing.  and after a few months of having my husband home every night at a decent hour, i'm sure i'll look back at these dallas days like i look back at my manhattan carry-my-chubby-kid-and-his-stroller-up-numerous-flights-of-stairs-while-pregnant days and wonder how in the world i did this business.  and then it makes me wonder what new muscles, physically and metaphorically, i'll develop while living in northeastern nevada.  i'm anxious/terrified/pumped/uncomfortable/excited all at once.


Chelsi Lasater said...

i like your style, erin. yes, i do. i am super excited for you. the idea of you in elko is slightly humorous, yes, but i agree that it is meant to be. yay for having a husband again. also, auntie jaclyn could not be more excited. i nearly had to sedate her at dinner the other night.

Sab said...

Sad you guys are moving. Excited to see the new adventures and how you cuteify your new house! Also: rust... its something with aluminum foil dipped in ... water? Pretty sure that's what it said on Pinterest!

Jenilyn said...

Rust is basically cancer to metal....I lost a bike to it once.

RSP said...

I don't even answer the door because it would take a crazy person about 2.5 seconds to figure out that I spend most of my time alone and unarmed. I'm glad that you all survived Texas and Matt gets to have a more "normal" life... whatever that means. Good luck on the move! Something I always feel like I need :)

Jill said...

so many things to discuss!

1) fox looks like a senior in high school
2) you + your hair= beautiful
3) indie + that table= amazing
4) the little stool? can I have it?
5) elko + burtons= new happy family memories

k. said...

I say what Jill says. But seriously, how did you even KNOW that you needed that stool? I can't even think of things that cool in my head. Please come to my house & stage a design intervention. My half-empty house needs some serious TLC.

Also. Your hair is fabulous. You will laugh inside your brain until it oozes out of your ears when you see me tomorrow. I'm in a bad state.

Also! Fox!! I love his shaggy hair, but I also love it when he makes things a little more sophisticated. Sweet boy. I have so many happy memories of him learning how to walk / talk / turn into a little boy. Sigh.

And - Elmo. Happy thoughts about Elmo, really. It's going to be such a great move. We'll just have to increase your online shopping budget a bit & schedule quarterly deliveries from The Woodlands' Trader Joe's. NBD.

k. said...

Also, I'm obsessed with Fox & Indie's table. But Q wants to know where his high chair went!

Jill said...

your furniture finds are so fabulous.

brenley said...

we miss you already! even though we didn't get to play a ton i miss you thinking of you not being in dallas! i hope the transition is going well! your furniture finds are awesome! love the vintage look! i'm so SO SOOO glad Matt is around now! xoxo

old me.